Monday, October 6, 2008

Gorgeous bouquets made of clay!

I read a post on from Miss Pineapple who blogged about her flowers from her wedding. I saw the photos first and thought "Wow, those are gorgeous." Then I read the post and found out they aren't real-- they are made of clay!! How unbelievably cool is this?! I was SO sad the day after my wedding when the calalillies in my bouquet started to die, and even more when I realized I had gone on my honeymoon and forgot to ask someone to preserve it. I called my mom from Hawaii and she said they were starting to rot (hello, GROSS) but she did save the roses and would dry them for me. Today I'm not exactly sure where that mess of a dried bouquet is, but more than likely it was trashed because that's what it looked like... trash. Here's a pic of it on my wedding day in all it's glory:

Anyway, here are a few photos of the incredibly beautiful clay bouquets made by DK Designs. Check out her Etsy store here and her blog here.

All photos taken from

1 comment:

  1. Wow, those clay flowers are so realistic. Your flowers were my favorite! SO gorgeous. :)
