Tuesday, August 3, 2010

How I love Envelopments

Today, life just got a bit sweeter.  The Jigster has arrived!!

I've had my eyes on this baby for a long time.  I knew in my heart owning this magical tool would make assembling invitations so much easier, but I wasn't sure I'd really need it.  I do a pretty good job lining things up by eye, and I convinced myself that if I really needed a tool I could probably create my own template of sorts using scraps of matte board or cardboard boxes.  The Jigster isn't terribly expensive but every penny counts, right?  So I designed the tool in my mind, using pieces of the mismatched presentation board and chip board I have in my closet, and it didn't look great but worked the same.  And then, I got lazy.  Weeks went by.  Everything else in life became a priority.  So as much as I love my idea to make one myself and save money, I surrendered and hit the "Order Now" button.  There's a reason this thing was created– it's wonderful and well made, and just so darn pretty.  It's going to make assembling invitations quicker and way more fun than driving myself crazy after adhering each invitation to a backer card, staring at it for several minutes wondering if it's crooked or not.  Yay for Envelopments, once again making an amazing product that I'm obsessed with!

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