But maybe my new toy will help! My dear husband bought me a new computer for my birthday and I couldn't be happier. This thing is awesome. It is SO fast and super sleek, and just what I need right about now. My old laptop has been good to me, but lately it has been slowing me down. I couldn't keep more than one application open at a time, and I was starting to lose files more often and having to start certain projects over. Very, very frustrating to say the least! I'm sure John was sick of hearing me cursing to myself and threatening to throw my computer and everything else around me out the window... Now I have this gorgeous computer that is insanely quick and it makes me so happy! So here's a little pic (taken from my phone so the quality sucks) and soon I hope to post more of a clean & organized office where I will be spending a lot more time designing and blogging!!

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