Monday, March 24, 2008

New logo!

I've been playing with the idea of a new logo for awhile, and finally decided to stop THINKING about it and just DO it! I am definitely my own worst critic, and spend sooooo much time waffling over my own designs. It took forever to get this blog going to begin with because I just wasn't sure I was in love with the brown and pink "linzmarie" design, and was afraid to commit to it! But, I did it, and am glad I got this going. However, now I'm ready for a change! I've been in love with damask and brocade-like patterns for awhile, and have seen a ton of great wedding invitations using that style (The Heather Invitation was definitely influenced by that...) So to keep up with the latest and greatest, I decided to let that be my guide and incorporated it into my new look. I also changed one of the fonts that I've been using, and have gone back to using capital letters :) I love the way things look when all lowercase, but it's hard to be consistent with that! So, anyway, this whole thing is still under construction, so don't be surprised if it changes again in a few weeks :) But for now, I'm totally happy with the new look of linzmarie designs, and hope you are, too!


  1. I love your logo!! It's very striking! I love the damask pattern.
    I'm constantly in Illustrator changing colors and font's to my "work in process" logo, too.

  2. Loving it!!! Really classy, clean and it makes me smile:) Great job. Kathy

  3.'s about time! :)

  4. Looks great! Way to take a risk and change it up--definitely not always an easy thing to do, especially when you are your own worst critic! :)

  5. Looks great Linz!
    I have a housewarming present for you but you don't get it until you invite me over! :-)

