One of the best things about designing wedding invitations is that I get to be involved in such a huge event in a couple's life. It's always a bit sad for me after all the pieces for their wedding have been sent to them, because my part is done and we don't get to talk as much. I've been so lucky to keep in touch with almost all of my brides, and it's always SO fun when I get to work with them again. Especially on other big events, like having babies!! I loved working with
Kelli and Garrett again designing an announcement for their adorable baby boy, Riley. They wanted something simple with a few good pictures of their new addition, and this is what we came up with. I love the bigger photo of Riley– is he not just too cute for words?! These will be printed on 15pt cover stock at Overnightprints.com (who, by the way, now offer smaller quantities!) I can't wait to see the finished product. Congratulations, Kelli and Garrett! I am so happy for you guys and I know you are already wonderful parents.